Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome CPE - CPD Professional Development STUDY MODULE
The knee is a complex structure and one of the most stressed joints in the body. It is the largest joint, vital for movement, and vulnerable to injury
We have designed this STUDY MODULE/course for the therapist seeing clients with knee pain. In a hassle-free way in your spare time, you will be able to learn about the causes of, and how to test for and prevent Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome.
Everything in this course is evidence-based, all our courses have been designed to be super convenient, cost-effective and above all useful.
This study module is divided into 5 units
Introduction to Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome
Anatomy Review
Testing & Prevention

This STUDY MODULE is assessed by a 50-question online quiz, an 80% pass mark is required. You can retry the quiz as many times as you require to pass.
Course Objectives
All therapist see clients with patellofemoral pain syndrome. This study module has been designed to help you recognise test and understand patellofemoral pain syndrome. On completion of this study module, you will have gained knowledge of which structures are tight, weak or are in need of assistance.
This is not a complete list of all associations that accept our CPD courses. Most associations allow their members to select any course that will be beneficial to their practice. Our courses have been designed for that purpose. If your association is not listed, we recommend checking their CPD policies before purchasing.
AMT Association of Massage Therapist 5 Hours CPD
MAA Massage Association of Australia 5 CPD Hours
ATMS Australian Traditional-Medicine Society 5 CPE Points
ANTA Australian Natural Therapist Association 5 CPE Points
MA Massage Australia 5 CPE Points
BTFA Bowen Therapy Federation of Australia 5 CPE Points
SCENAR Therapist Association Australasia Inc 5 Hours CPD
MMA- Massage & Myotherapy Australia 10 CPE
United Kingdom
National Association of Massage and Manipulative Therapists 5 Hours CPD
Bowen Therapy Professional Association (BTPA) 5 Hours CPD
The Federation of Holistic Therapists (FHT) 5 Hours CPD
Complementary and Natural Healthcare Council (CNHC) 5 Hours CPD
Society of Sports Therapists 5 Hours CPD
British Complementary Medicine Association (BCMA) 5 Hours CPD
System Requirements: If you can work this web site you can work the STUDY MODULES
This STUDY MODULE is mobile and tablet friendly, We suggest you use a computer to access the 3D anatomy model.
If you're having problems, try using GOOGLE CHROME as your web browser, free at this link