Anxiety and Massage CPE-CPD Massage Professional Development STUDY MODULE
Deepen your understanding of anxiety with our specialized CPE-CPD study program designed for Massage Therapists, Bowen Therapists, and Myotherapists. This comprehensive workshop explores the intricate relationship between anxiety and the body, unravelling its causes and the profound impact it has on individuals' mental well-being.
Backed by evidence-based research, participants will gain invaluable insights into the nuanced mechanisms of anxiety, empowering them to refine their therapeutic approaches.
Enjoy the flexibility of our learning structure, allowing you to navigate the content at your own pace. Tailored for Massage Therapists, Bowen Therapists, and Myotherapists eager to advance their professional growth, this course provides a unique opportunity to earn CPD-CPE points while gaining expertise in anxiety care. Elevate your practice, enhance your skills, and make a positive impact on clients navigating the complex terrain of anxiety. Join us in this journey of learning and self-discovery, and unlock new dimensions in your therapeutic practice.
This STUDY MODULE is assessed by a 50-question online quiz, an 80% pass mark is required. You can retry the quiz as many times as you require to pass.
Course Objectives
Participants in this course will gain a comprehensive understanding of anxiety, delving into its underlying causes, the intricate mind-body relationship. By the course's conclusion, individuals will possess advanced knowledge to enhance their therapeutic approaches, providing valuable support to clients experiencing anxiety-related concerns.
This is not a complete list of all associations that accept our CPD courses. Most associations allow their members to select any course that will be beneficial to their practice. Our courses have been designed for that purpose. If your association is not listed, we recommend checking their CPD policies before purchasing.
System Requirements: If you can work this web site you can work the STUDY MODULES
This STUDY MODULE is mobile and tablet friendly, We suggest you use a computer to access the 3D anatomy model.
If you're having problems, try using GOOGLE CHROME as your web browser, free at this link